Introduction to Edible Berries, Roots and Medicinal Plants of Central Alaska
AGES: All Ages Welcome
INSTRUCTOR: Mary Stalker
OVERVIEW: It is finally happening! Come join us to learn about edible and medicinal plants of Alaska. I believe that a course like this could help save someone's life!

Trapping, Skinning and Fur Bearing Animal Behavior Class
The Trapping class for 2025 will be significantly different from the class of 2024. We will be having some new guest speakers including a wildlife biologist speaking about fur bearing animal behaviors and cyclical time patterns of different animal species. Additionally we will have a skinning demonstration utilizing a marten and/or a rabbit. A hands on "from scratch" snare fabrication and actual set up for the participants. (attendees will go home with there new snare) "Hook" will be giving a general discussion on beginner, intermediate and advanced trapping techniques along with a question and answer segment! Once again I believe this will be a very informative class! Hope to see you there! Dave
Registration Link- https://forms.gle/xn6pjS26rcC6Bv6b7

Basic Native Beadwork Class
Approximately 8 months ago Helping Hands asked the community if this type of class is something they would want!? We had a huge positive feedback for this event. During the next week we will be finalizing arrangements for this class including the instructor, date (April 2025), time and location. Keep your eyes open if this is something you would like to be involved in! Thank you!

Cyber Awareness & Safety Education (CASE)
Cyber awareness is crucial in today's digital age, as it helps individuals recognize potential online threats and protect their personal information. With cybercrimes becoming more sophisticated, understanding the basics of internet safety is essential. Our main topics will include using strong, unique passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, avoiding suspicious links or attachments, phishing, and regularly updating software to patch security vulnerabilities. Additionally, being cautious about sharing personal details online and using secure networks can prevent data breaches and identity theft. Staying informed and vigilant ensures a safer online experience for everyone.
Registration Link- https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeoI2DjfdoKtHK2NRtqdqQAfjOU5aE8fFYSV8FqtCLg0WmKzw/viewform

Class I: Commercial Techniques for Greenhouse Tomato Cultures & Class II: Companion Gardening
Class Size: 12 attendees
AGES: 18 to 99 years old
OVERVIEW: We have been speaking with an experienced gardener and Pleasant Valley neighbor who has many years of experience successfully growing tomatoes in Alaska. He has agreed to share some of his knowledge and expertise with our community. He will explain the basics of pruning, types of plants, do's and the don'ts and much more! This class will last approximately one hour and will be held at our greenhouse! Our instructor will be pre-growing plants for each participant in this class which you will be able to take home to your greenhouse, deck or container! After a brief question and answer session my wife Lidiia will present the second class of the day and give a short presentation on companion gardening. This is a proven technique that works very well in warm and cold climates. She will be giving the class a tour of our gardens to illustrate some of the possible plant combinations that work well together. We will be posting more information in the next several days along with a registration link! Hope to see our local green thumbs there! Dave
Registration Link-https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1LIjyt0AAxBfH8ZiP1IdG6LniwNPKA8k8XFTTrA2KWXg

Kids Rappelling Class
The challenges of the outdoors continues with the opportunity to learn the basics skills of rappelling. We will spend some time in the classroom and then we will put it into a practical application coming down the side of a cliff! It is all about learning life skills! This class will be limited in size.
Registration Link: Coming soon!

Kids Pistol Speed ana Accuracy Steel Target Tournament
TENTATIVE DATE: Monday, March 10, 2025
LOCATION: Fish and Game Interior Range
WEAPONS: It is encouraged that you bring your own weapon but we will provide pistols for whomever needs one. Ammo will be provided for the match
TIME: 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm
PREREQUESITE: NRA Pistol Safety and Qualification Certificate
AGES: 10 to 17 years old
CLASS SIZE: 24 Participants
FEE: $20.00/attendee
SNACKS: Will be provided
PRIZES: For the three best scores
GENERAL NOTE: I am awaiting an official confirmation from Glenn Miller regarding the date and time. This will be happening during Spring Break/ If any of the attendees need a ride please PM me.
Registration Link-
VIDEO LINK: https://aimcomm.org/web/mass

Balsa Wood Bridge Design And Build Seminar/Competition for Kids
AGES: 10 to 13 and 14 to 17 years old
DATE: Mid April 2025
OVERVIEW: I spoke with an engineer today who is willing to provide the basic principles on how to construct a balsa wood bridge. He would provide an hour long class and then the students would have approximately 2.5 hours to build a bridge. We would then weigh the bridges and test them until failure. The winner will win a nice prize. Please let me know Yeah or Nay! Thank you...Dave.
Registration link coming soon

Fiscal Responsibility Class for Kids
Helping Hands has been in communications with Mount McKinley Bank. We are working diligently on developing a Fiscal Responsibility Class for Kids. The class will include how to balance a checkbook, CD's, credit scores, compounding interest, credit cards and credit card debt, and much much more!

Introduction To Beekeeping Hands On Workshop
ANNOUCEMENT: Introduction To Beekeeping Hands On Workshop
DATES: February 22 & 23, 2025 TIME: 1:00 pm to 6:00 pm (both days)
LOCATION: Monroe Catholic School (across the street from GVEA)
REGISTRATION LINK: https://forms.office.com/r/ZaH31fuu9T

Cupcake Making Class for Kids
COST: $30.00/student
CLASS SIZE: 12 kids
AGES: 10 to 17 years old
OVERVIEW: We will be making red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting for the Valentines day celebration. You will learn all of the basics of cupcake making from a gifted instructor. You will go home with 10 cupcakes to take to school for a snack or one each for mom and dad! This should be a lot of fun! Hope to see you there!

Beginner Water Color Painting Class for Kids
OVERVIEW: Vladimir Zhikhartsev is a world renown ice sculptor and painter. The picture in this post is one of many of his creations. I hope that your children will get involved in this class to learn from an extremely qualified instructor. I honestly believe that this class will fill up quickly. Please go to his website and click on the Kids Beginner Class. Then go to the date menu and click on January 19, 2025 and register for the class. I look forward to seeing you there! Dave
INSTRUCTOR: Vladimir Zhikhartsev
FEE: $50.00 material & $30.00 class